
Study: Cornea T cells protect eyes from viral infections


According to researchers from the Doherty Institute, the cornea produces a delicate and limited immune response to fight infections without damaging a patient's vision.

The cornea produces a delicate and limited immune response to fight infections without damaging our vision, according to a new study from the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (Doherty Institute).

Published in Cell Reports,1 the study has shown long-living memory T cells that patrol and fight viral infections are present in the cornea, upending current thought that T cells are not found in healthy corneas - expanding our understanding of the eye’s immune response to infections.

The team used a multiphoton microscope that provides live images of living, intact biological tissues to study cornea cells in mice infected with herpes vimplex Virus.

Immune cells (T cells, green) can be see entering the cornea of the eye, towards the Herpes Simplex virus infected cells (light blue). The eye is rich in nerves (purple). (Image courtesy of Doherty Institute)

Immune cells (T cells, green) can be see entering the cornea of the eye, towards the Herpes Simplex virus infected cells (light blue). The eye is rich in nerves (purple). (Image courtesy of Doherty Institute)

Their images revealed long-living memory T cells produced in the mice’s eyes to fight the infection. The memory T cells remained in the cornea after the virus was eliminated to ward off any future reinfection.

Advanced imaging of the eye in healthy people also revealed immune cells patrolling the cornea – the first time that cells have been imaged moving in human eyes.

For humans to see, the cornea must remain transparent to ensure focused light is received by the retina through the iris.

The presence of T cells in the corneas was previously not considered, given the eyes produce only a dampened immune response to avoid inflammation that would obstruct our vision.

Scott Mueller, PhD, lead author and laboratory head at the Doherty Institute at the University of Melbourne, said that these discoveries have important implications for understanding how eyes ward off dangerous infections.

“Current understanding that T cells are not found in healthy corneas needs to be reconsidered, as our discovery shows tissue-resident memory T cells entering the cornea and remaining there for long periods,” Mueller explained.

Mueller also noted that researchers’ findings will improve the understanding of how to protect our eyes from infections that cause permanent blindness, such as herpes simplex virus.

“This also has implications for understanding chronic conditions such as dry eye disease and common eye allergies where unwanted T cells might also cause disease,” Mueller said.

This study was conducted in collaboration with the University of Melbourne’s Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences and Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, and Monash University’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences.


1. Mueller, Scott,; Corneal tissue resident memory T cells form a unique immune compartment at the ocular surface. Cell Reports; published May 25, 2022.

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