Randy Jackson, a judge on the phenomenally popular "American Idol" television series, will be on hand during the annual International Vision Expo East (VEE), April 10 to 13 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City.
New York-Randy Jackson, a judge on the phenomenally popular "American Idol" television series, will be on hand during the annual International Vision Expo East (VEE), April 10 to 13 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City.
At VEE, Jackson will promote his eyewear line and pose for photos with visitors at the Zyloware booth on Saturday, April 12. Jackson has been wearing his signature Randy Jackson Eyewear exclusively on season seven of "American Idol" and during his many media appearances.
VEE will provide eye-care professionals (ECPs) with an extensive showcase of eyewear and eye-care products, as well as a significant offering of continuing education (CE) courses. The exhibition hall will feature more than 525 exhibitors with products spanning the industry-frames, lenses, accessories, contact lenses and solutions, diagnostic equipment, and processing equipment. In addition, VEE will offer more than 250 hours of CE taught by leading ophthalmic professionals and practitioners.
New to the show this year:
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