
Jason Woody honored by EBAA

The Eye Bank Association of America has named the recipient of its annual Leonard Heise Award, Jason Woody.

Tampa, FL-Jason Woody, president and chief executive officer of the Lions Eye Institute for Transplant & Research (LEITR), has received the Leonard Heise Award from the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA).

The Leonard Heise Award is presented annually to a non-physician within the eye-banking community. Woody was chosen because of his devotion to the EBAA’s development, his significant contributions to eye banking at a national and international level, and for his positive local community influence while representing eye banking.

“Jason’s many years of service and dedication to the eye banking community have greatly benefitted the EBAA’s mission of restoring sight worldwide,” said David Korroch, chairman, EBAA. “Following the precepts set by Leonard Heise, Jason has shown that his drive to fight against corneal blindness will continue to afford many with life-enhancing corneal transplants. The EBAA is honored to present Jason with an award so fitting of his efforts in our profession.”

LEITR, which includes an eye bank and ocular research center, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the recovery, evaluation, and distribution of eye tissue for transplantation, research, and education.

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