Novel ablation profile shows promise for myopic LASIK


A study evaluating outcomes in eyes undergoing LASIK for >-4 D of myopia reaffirms the established efficacy, safety and predictability of treatments performed with the wavefront-optimized, wavefront-guided and topography-guided ablation profiles of an excimer laser.

The Allegretto WFG treatments were performed using data obtained with a Tscherning aberrometer and the T-CAT treatments used data from either Placido-disc (Topolyzer, WaveLight) or Scheimpflug (Oculyzer, WaveLight) technology. Both the 200-Hz (WaveLight Allegretto) and 400-Hz (WaveLight Allegretto Eye-Q) lasers were used for the treatments although the RT treatments all were performed on the 400-Hz laser.

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