Bausch + Lomb and TheraPearl LLC have announced the creation of the Bausch + Lomb THERA°PEARL Eye Mask, a product aimed at those suffering from a variety of common ailments, including the most common type of dry eye.
Madison, NJ and Jessup, MD-Bausch + Lomb and TheraPearl LLC have announced the creation of the Bausch + Lomb THERA°PEARL Eye Mask, a product aimed at those suffering from a variety of common ailments, including the most common type of dry eye.
The eye mask, which is pliable and reusable, features a face-hugging design that stays in place without dripping or leaking. It can be used for hot and cold therapy by chilling it in the freezer or refrigerator or heating it in the microwave.
The eye mask also delivers consistent hot or cold therapy in the therapeutic temperature range for the physician-recommended period of treatment (about 20 minutes at a time).
“We are proud to partner with (Bausch + Lomb) to offer this innovative therapeutic solution,” said Daniel Baumwald, TheraPearl LLC president. “As a result of Bausch + Lomb’s support and our partnership, the (eye mask) will soon be available to consumers all over the country who are actively seeking new and better alternatives for common symptoms such as dry eye.”
The eye mask loosens meibum, the oily secretion from the glands that line the eyelid and works to protect the eye’s tear film by preventing evaporation of tears. It can also be used to help alleviate symptoms such as puffy eyes, headaches, migraines, sinus discomfort, and swelling.
“Bausch + Lomb is committed to delivering effective over-the-counter solutions for consumers who are seeking symptomatic relief from some of the most common and bothersome eye conditions,” said Joe Gordon, Bausch + Lomb general manager. “The (eye mask) offers a convenient choice for people looking for both hot and cold eye care therapy that offers spa-like relief in an elegant and easy-to-use form.”
Bausch + Lomb expects to preview the product to U.S. retailers at the upcoming NACDS Store Expo meeting and plans to make the eye mask available to consumers through local retailers in January 2014.
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