New Orleans—The Roman-Barnes Society of Ophthalmology awarded five $5,000 scholarships to minority medical students with an interest in ophthalmology as a specialty during the group's annual meeting and award ceremony late last year.
New Orleans-The Roman-Barnes Society of Ophthalmology awarded five $5,000 scholarships to minority medical students with an interest in ophthalmology as a specialty during the group's annual meeting and award ceremony late last year.
The society, a professional membership-based organization of African-American eye physicians, also honored Kevin C. Greenidge, MD, MPH, FACS, professor and chairman, Richard C. Troutman, MD, distinguished chair in ophthalmology and ophthalmic microsurgery, Downstate Medical Center-State University of New York. Dr. Greenidge received the Roman-Barnes 2004 Achievement Award for outstanding achievements in the field of ophthalmology.
In addition, Roger W. Martin, glaucoma screening activist and advocate, was awarded the Roman Barnes 2004 Community Service Award for his efforts with glaucoma and diabetes-related eye disease.